winooski food shelf
​Contact Us: 802.655.7371​
24 West Allen Street
Winooski, Vermont 05404
sharing food & giving hope

Each month,
we serve over 700 people in Winooski.

sharing food, giving hope
The Winooski Food Shelf is a community outreach program of the United Methodist Church of Winooski, a program that operates as a non-profit 501 (c) 3 as registered by the church. Its mission is to provide supplemental food assistance to Winooski residents who self-identify as food insecure.
We are also concerned citizens of Winooski, who believe that no family in our town should be hungry. We donate our time and money purchasing food, loading and unloading deliveries, stocking shelves, packaging bags for pick-up, serving guests, fundraising, and doing whatever we can to make a difference.
The Food Shelf serves its guests without judgment and with kindness, congeniality, privacy, patience and respect. ​
The Winooski Food Shelf does not discriminate and welcomes all guests and volunteers regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender. New Americans are welcome. We do, however, require proof of Winooski residency for food recipients.

how to receive
food assistance
how to help

our hours
We are open every second and fourth Wednesday and Saturday of the month. registered clients may receive food one Wednesday and both Saturdays each month. On Wednesdays, we're open from 1-3 pm; on Saturdays, from 9:30-11 am.
Unfortunately, due to the unprecedented increases in the cost of eggs due to Bird Flu, we are forced to make some significant cutbacks to how many eggs we are able to distribute each month.
Until further notice, families with 6 or fewer persons in the household will receive 1/2 dozen eggs, 1 X per month. Families with 7 or more persons will receive 1 dozen eggs, 1 X month. Eggs will only be distributed on Wednesdays.
all volunteer staff
The Winooski Food Shelf is run entirely by volunteers of all ages, many behind the scenes, shopping for, picking up and shelving groceries, just to name a few activities.
You've heard the phrase "it takes a village." Well, it takes a village to run the WFS. Currently, we need help the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9 am to help unload, bring inside, and shelve the food dropped off each month by the Vermont Food Bank.
If you can help out in any way, email us at Leave a message and someone will get back to you.
We are a Vermont Food Bank Network Partner.
$$ donations needed
During and after the Pandemic, The Vermont Food Bank experienced an increase in need from most of the 300 Food Shelves it serves--including an increase in need from us.
"The demand is so high now," says WFS Director Linda Howe "that the Vermont Food Bank regularly runs out of the supplies we normally order. That means we are forced to purchase even the staples and other food basics at full or sale price at nearby grocery stores."
The bottom line is that a greater percentage of the food we share costs more. We continue to accept food donations, but--as welcome as those are--they do not make up enough to cover the increased amount of food we need.
Please help you neighbors in need. Just call or email us. Use the credit card option above or send a check c/o The Winooski United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 53, Winooski, Vermont 05404.
what to expect
We pre-package groceries for you. You may pick up your food at the side entrance of the Winooski United Methodist Church, 24 West Allen Street, Winooski, across from City Hall and the Police Station. The side entrance is on Follett Street.
You do not need to come early, but you do need to register (see below).

how to qualify
If you need food assistance, just sign up with us during Food Shelf hours. You need to prove that you are a Winooski resident. Please bring a current piece of mail, like a utility or telephone bill or a rental agreement. We do not accept driver's licenses as proof of residency.