winooski food shelf
​Contact Us: 802.655.7371​
24 West Allen Street
Winooski, Vermont 05404
sharing food & giving hope
Do you know that nearly 700 Winooski residents receive food assistance each year?
what we do
The Winooski Food Shelf provides supplemental food assistance to residents of Winooski in need. We are open the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays and Saturdays of the month. Residents in need of food, however, may only shop the pantry on one Wednesday, but they may come both Saturdays. Staffing the pantry and welcoming guests are only part of what we do. Most of our time is spent running what amounts to a little grocery store.
That means: First, we need to procure the food. We receive food donations from a wide variety of resources--individuals, companies, and food assistance not-for-profits. Or we purchase food at a variety of outlets to supplement what is not donated. Second, we need to pick up food at various locations around Burlington, Essex and Winooski. Third, we need to unload donations and purchases and shelve them. Last, we need to ensure that the right amount of inventory is on hand and that none of the food has expired. It is only then that we can welcome our guests.
Articles of Interest
- Eliciting donations by mail, phone, or social media
- Acknowledging donors
- Helping out with donor food drives
- Writing grants
- Assisting at donor events
Unloading & Shelving
- Assisting the food pick up & delivery team
- Unpacking food, putting staples into smaller containers
- Rotating older food forward
- Shelving food donations & maintaining the pantry
​- Set up & take down before & after Food Shelf hours
- Welcoming & registering guests
- Putting staples into smaller containers
- Assisting guests with food selection
- Acting as a resource for additional services
Inventory Control
- Ensuring that we are not low on any supplies
- Ordering food or shopping if needed
- Checking inventory for expiration dates
- Coordinating with Food PIck Up & Delivery and Unloading & Shelving Team
​Food Pick Up & Delivery
- Picking up food at designated locations
- Unloading food trucks or deliveries
- Helping with moving of goods at the Food Shelf​
- Recycling boxes
- Removing trash to designated sites
- Shoveling snow
- Cleaning the Food Shelf space as needed
- General maintenance